TETRAFARMA® – Produtos Farmacêuticos Lda, was distinguished by SCORING with the “TOP 5% BEST PME IN PORTUGAL” Certification, 2021 edition. SCORING certified that the company met the requisites for this certification and obtained, acording to the scoring method “ScorePME”, in 2020’s fiscal year, a Performance and Financial Soundness Index above 80%, also showing consistency in the economic and financial aspects, which is only accessible to less than 5% of national companies. (“NS 5”), which gives it, in terms of economic and financial sustainability, the distinction “TOP 5% / 2021” mentioned above.
The excellence of operational and financial management demonstrated by the certified company deserves praise from SCORING to the management team and all employees. We hope it will be an encouragement for them to continue to elevate the company to a higher level.